Sobre mi

Derrick 'CoachDee" Smith is a Trainer/Entrepreneur in the Rideshare industry, as well as a Licensed Special Educator. With 24 years as a Commercial Licensed Driver and 22 years in public schools as a Special Educator, Derrick has arranged his life to assist new and struggling drivers that may need a more efficient approach to their business efforts. These two industries have given Derrick many personal achievements that collectively make him Coach Dee. Feel free to schedule your time with him for engaging training for faster pay, higher ratings and bigger clientele in the rideshare industry. Why go through a learning curve for months when Coach Dee can get you up to speed in hours!

Horari del dia laborable

Dia Temps
Dilluns No disponible
Dimarts No disponible
Dimecres 08:00AM - 05:00PM
Dijous 08:00AM - 05:00PM
Divendres 08:00AM - 05:00PM

Hores de cap de setmana

Weekend Temps
Dissabte 08:00AM - 05:00PM
Diumenge 08:00AM - 05:00PM